How to install Windows 7?
Easily install Windows 7:
Before you start installation you need to set boot order. If you don’t have any idea about boot order configuration, then CLICK THIS LINK for detail information. And after configuration of boot order then follow the steps below.
Follow the steps to boot with Windows 7 OS:-
Step 1: first thing first, turn on your Computer, andpress F2 continuously. Then the option to boot through CD/DVD will pop up. Select that option and then windows will start loading its files.
Step 2: in windows set up windows, select the language for your windows. After selecting the language click “Next”. Then click on “INSTALL NOW” button and proceed to the next step.
Step 3: check on “I ACCEPT” in license agreement and proceed to NEXT. An option to install windows will pop up, i.e. ‘Upgrade’ and ‘Custom option’. Click on ‘Custom’ option.
Step 4: now to need to partition your drive. This step is the most important part of the installation. In this step you will allocate spaces to your drive. If you want to create new drive, click on drive and then click on new, a new drive will be created.
Step 5: after you created the drive, simply select the drive in which you want to install windows. Click on “Format” to erase all the previous data in your drive. Click on “Next” to proceed.
Note:- This is the critical stage so select the only primary disk drive that you want to put the windows configuration files. Unless formatting wrong drive can lose you files of that wrong one.
Step 6: now your windows will start to install files. It will take few minutes to install. Do not plug in or off your device during the process to avoid losing data and may also lead you to begin the process all over again.
Step 7: after your files are installed your PC will be rebooted. Now “User Setting” will appear in your screen. Add your name and password and and proceed to “Next”.
Step 8: activate your windows and look at the back of your windows CD/DVD covers, you will find a “Product key” there. Add “Product key” into your PC and click “Next”. If you don’t have product-key and want to try free-trail then you can just click “Next” button for further process.
Step 9: your windows is installed. Give the information the Windows Step guide asks. Now your windows is ready to use.
After these process it will restart the PC and opens the desktop with “Recycle Bin” only. Further process are to install driver for the PC. Hope this post helps you and if you like and have any problem in any stage please leave it on comment box.
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