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How to identify teenage depression

  • Biological factors: As brain chemicals are imbalances or impaired, it brings certain change in nerve receptors and systems, resulting in depression.
  • Changes in bodies balance of hormones plays an important role in the causes of depression.
  • Depression is also inherited from any blood relations.
  • Childhood trauma like physical or emotional abuse or any other severe emotional event is susceptible to the cause of depression.
  • Immense of negative thoughts may also cause depression.

So, how can parents or near ones identify about teenage depression?

  1. Emotional changes:
  • Feeling of sadness and helpless without any clear reason.
  • Constantly feeling annoyed or irritated.
  • Feeling frustrated and angry even with small events & happenings.
  • Feeling of worthless and guilty at every small detail.
  • Not interested in social life.
  • Thinking of committing suicide very often.
  1. Behavioral changes:
  • Feeling of tiredness and insomnia
  • Loss of appetite or problems of overeating
  • Starting to take alcohols and drugs
  • Frequently complaining about pains in the body parts and headaches
  • Getting away from social life
  • Shouting and disruptive behaviors
  • Harming to self by burning, cutting or excessive tattooing

Spot teenage depression:

Depression extends from being mild to too severe. So, there are different treatments for depression. It ranges from talk therapy (psychotherapy), medication to combination of both.

  • Medication:
    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has identified two medicines for overcoming depression. Before using the medication, weigh benefits of the medicine against side effects and risk. Medication must be used with caution after talking to psychiatric. According to FDA, all antidepressants are safe but before giving the medicine at pharmacy, it is strictly required to show prescriptions. The result of medication on the specified person must be closely monitored.


  • Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy (talk therapy) is done by patient himself or his near ones with the therapy provider. Through therapy talk, one come to know about depression, unhealthy behaviors and thoughts, find better ways to cope up with depression, set realistic goals to overcome depression and finally overcome depression.


  • Hospitalization: If a teenager is too prone to attacking oneself or other, hospitalization is essential. Getting hospitalized and getting help from psychiatric until teenager remains calm is important when depression is too severe.


  • Other medicines: Relaxation exercises, meditation, yoga or tai chi, guided/massage/music therapy and spirituality are some other measures to overcome depression.