Home Home Health/Fitness How to get rid of freckles?

How to get rid of freckles?


Home remedies for freckles


Here are the basic home remedies:

1. Lemon Juice:

                  Lemon has a natural skin lighting properties that will bleach the dark spots on your skin. It can treat freckles as well as brown spots on your skin. You can just apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area of the skin and gently message it. Leave it on or 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. In order to see results, do this twice a day.

You can also use lemon scrub. Just cut the lemon in half and sprinkle one-half teaspoon of sugar on it and gently scrub your skin with it for a few minutes. Then wash your skin with water. You have to do this once or twice a week on a regular basis.

Lemon juice

2. Honey:

               Honey contains enzymes that help lighten skin pigmentation, which is very helpful for fading freckles. Also it has the properties to moisturize you skin. You just have to mix honey with water and heat it slightly in microwave and apply it on the affected area. Leave it on for few minutes and rinse it with lukewarm water. Do this every day for several weeks. You can substitute water with yogurt as well.

jar of honey with honeycomb

3. Papaya:

               Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which also helps to lighten freckles. Apply fresh papaya juice on the affected area using a cotton ball and gently massage it on the skin. Leave the papaya juice for 10 minutes and rinse it with cold water. To see the results, do the process on daily basis for few weeks.


4. Sour Cream:

             Sour cream contains lactic acid that can be used to get rid of freckles. Sour cream is mostly useful for sensitive skin. You can apply some sour cream on the freckles and let it dry for few minutes. After it gets dry, do not rinse it with water but instead gently wipe it off with a soft tissue or a towel. You can apply some moisturizer if you want. Do it at least once daily to see the desired result. Note: you can also use sour milk.

Sour cream

5. Buttermilk:

               Buttermilk also has the bleaching property that can help lighten and fade freckles of your skin. It not only gets rid of freckles but also makes your skin smooth and moisturized. You simply have to apply buttermilk on the freckled area of your skin. Leave it for about 10 minutes and rinse it with lukewarm water. Repeat the process twice daily for several weeks until you see the results.

You can also make a thick paste of powdered oatmeal & buttermilk and apply this paste on the freckles. You have to leave the paste for 30 minutes to let it dry on your skin. After that, wash it off with cold water. You have to do this once daily to see the desired result on you skin.
