How to Quit smoking?
Once you start smoking it become quite harder to get rid of this nasty habit. Many of them even after attempting to stop smoking again get back into this habit. To quit smoking you not only need to cope up with the habit of not smoking, change the behavior but also need to manage your moods.
At the very first, know about your motivation towards smoking. Various reasons behind smoking are: to socialize, to de-stress, nicotine addiction.
The best way is to use is START quitting rule:
a) S-set up the quit date
If you smoke a lot, start by reducing the number of cigarette intake per day and stay committed to it. Slowly and gradually you’ll start to lose the motivation to smoke. Then, set a date when you are going to completely quit the habit.
T-tell you near ones about your quitting plan
They may encourage you of your decision. If you have a friend who is planning to do the same, pair up with your buddy in this decision. Help and encourage each other to stay committed to this habit.
A-anticipate ahead of time what you’ll face after taking this decision
Many people start to smoke after leaving the habit for certain period of time. So, be prepared to stay committed to this habit
R-remove all the stuffs relating to cigarette from your place
Throw away the ashtray; wash all the clothes which carry smell of smoke. Also, light incense sticks that gives pleasure to your mood and de-stress you.
T- Tell others and take advice from them
On a continuous basis, tell other you’ve quit the habit of smoking. This may help to reinforce your decision.
b)Other ways to remove this habit are:
- Use of medication & therapy: If you are unable to get rid of smoking, try using therapy and medication to reduce nicotine cravings. Nicotine gum, patch, inhaler, nasal spray can be used. Also, some medication like: Zyban, Chantix are recommended to be used; but be sure to only use it for short-period of time.
- Keep yourself busy: Some people smoke on habit instead of cravings so try to keep you busy. Even engaging in mild activities can help you withdraw this habit. You can take a dog to walk, clean your room.
- Reward yourself: Whenever you win victory over your habits, reward yourself. You can reward yourself with something you love except for smoking. It can be chocolates, chips or any material possession to reward you.
- Get out of habit of smoking after you drink alcohol. Some people need to smoke after they drink. Instead take some other food to keep yourself busy while drinking.
- Constantly remind yourself about your commitment and stay connected with your loved ones. This may encourage you and reinforce your quitting habit.
- Relax: To de-stress you can relax in several ways: read a book, meditate, practice deep breathing exercises, visit peaceful places and attempt to calm your mind. Trying to engage your mind in productive works helps you to stay calm.
- If you smoke to socialize, try to get away from the group who smokes for certain period of time. After you are out of this nasty habit, get along with the group.